- It is strongly encouraged that you:
- Wear a mask
- have received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccination or
- have a COVID-19 vaccine medical contraindication (medical exemption) from a registered medical practitioner or
- if requested by staff, show evidence of a negative COVID test (PCR or RAT) that you have taken within three days prior to your entry to the Premises.
- You will need to display your proof of full vaccination*, or medical exemption, or test to our staff if requested by an staff member.
- To your knowledge, you have not been classified as a close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 7 days.
- You do not have flu-like symptoms.
- You agree your name and number used in the online booking may be used for the purpose of contact tracing should CCG be notified of a positive case of COVID-19 within these premises and that those details may be given to NSW Health, if required.
- That the maximum number of participants in each premises will be in line with current Government recommendations, with numbers in each individual area at the absolute discretion of CCG.
- You will inform CCG as soon as possible should you test positive for COVID-19 within 4 days of attending these premises.
COVID-19 Statement
By attending CCG, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
CCG also asks all visitors to follow good hygiene practices during this pandemic such as:
- Wash/sterilise your hands before and after you enter the premises.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Where possible, keep your distance (1.5m) from other people in the premises.
* Vaccine Certificates may need to be sighted at each visit (not stored or collected)